Reading reviews of the goods is one of the most crucial measures one can take in order to avoid poor choices while shopping online. Needless to say, there is hardly anything more efficient you can do to protect yourself.
Certainly, as you can imagine, marketing managers and sellers are absolutely aware of this fact and they are using various tools for utilising reviews for their advantage. As a result, modern online shoppers might spend a lot of time not only on understanding whether a good of their choice is really worth money, but on the search of trustworthy reviews and opinions about this good in the first place. This is a tedious process, however, keeping in mind several tips, you will be able to distinguish real opinions from fake ones more easily.
Opinions overfilled with unrelated information
Obviously, one of the strategies used by companies which are trying to create fake reviews for their goods is to make such reviews as natural as possible so that their potential customers will believe them. In the reality, this does not necessarily work in the way they expect.
For instance, one of the popular guidelines for creating fake opinions about goods is to create a short story for introduction rather than to come down to the subject right away.
Of course, it happens for people to write larger opinions in the comment section under a particular good. Yet, in the majority of cases, such comments are negative rather than positive. When everything was perfect with a purchase, a person can just tell everything was fine with the good and he or she was satisfied. When a person is frustrated and disappointed, this is the time when a larger comment will come naturally with some explanations whether a dress was meant to be for a very serious occasion or a toy was planned to be a Birthday present.
For that reason, if you come across larger comments about goods, you should be particularly careful about believing them. Certainly, they might be genuine, however, the probability of them being fake is still pretty high.
Negative opinions without any real information
Undoubtedly, there are enough of people who are using the services of writing fake opinions and reviews, are aware of the fact that too much of excitement over a good can also look suspicious to modern clients of online shops. For that reason, they are also asking for writing negative comments about their products.
Still, their comments are rather specific and would differ from the genuine negative comments. For example, a popular strategy is to complain about something which is obviously a matter of a subjective vision rather than anything which can actually be applied to the good. The negative opinion can also regard some less important features of the good rather than anything of the paramount significance to its users.
One more possible negative comment can focus on some problem which was solved. For instance, the problem of the question is anyway not valid anymore since it was solved by the shop quickly and efficiently or it turned out that a so-called client even liked the good more even though it turned out to be different from the expectations.
A complete name of a good is used in the comment
One of the most obvious features of a fake opinion is the situation in which the good is referred to with a very descriptive and detailed name. In such a case, the person who is using the services of writers for creating fake comments is also aiming to push his comments to the highest positions returned by search engines.
You can imagine there is hardly a person who will be describing a good with such an accuracy when it is absolutely understandable what the subject of the discussion is as the comment section is located right underneath the good.
Unnatural slang or mistakes
Even though different people have different preferences and styles while composing texts, it is particularly typical for fake opinions and reviews to be filled with particularly unnatural word structures.
Needless to say, people writing such reviews are aware of the fact too much neatness in the comments can look unnatural. For that reason one of the guidelines for writing fake reviews is to make some mistakes from time to time and make the overall style more casual. Still, the people who are working on such texts professionally might have a hard time while making mistakes on purpose and in many cases they will not appear to people in the same way as the ones made spontaneously by the real customers.