Keep an eye on these products – you may not notice when they are spoilt

Food poisoning is officially one of the ten major dangers for human’s wellbeing. While food…

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Are these products really healthy?

Even if you are not particularly interested in nutritional trends and modern diets, you have…

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Change these things at home for new ones before it is too late

Some of the things you have at home can become your real enemies even though…

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What can you do to make the air at home cleaner?

There is no need to explain to you why the air in the cities is…

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Get rid of this food stored in your kitchen right now

Even if you are a person who is very careful about the food you are…

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How can the Zero Waste movement help you to improve your diet?

You might have already heard about Zero Waste which is the ecological movement becoming more…

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Popular myths about health you should not believe any more

A human’s body is a very complex system which can be affected in very unpredictable…

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These things can easily spoil the first impression about a person

Even you are a person who normally does not care about the impression you are…

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Untypical sleeping patterns

Although a popular belief is that people need around 6-8 hours of sleep in order…

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The things which are absolutely not worth your time and energy

Some of the thing people are doing are not just a waste of time. This…

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